Tablets Bring Digital Event Journal Back to the Table

Have you ever think of taking your event journal digital , but deal with push-back from sponsors who insist the journal belongs ON the table? Well, here is the solution. Your e-journal can be showcased in elegant table top tablets displays for easy viewing from every seat! Tablets can be synced to play in harmony for a theatrical cheer factor, guests simply watch the e-journal “pages” turn. For a more casual event, tablets can be set to interactive mode, allowing guests to flip through ads and take selfies to post to social media, complete with your event hashtag. The display frames can be customized with thematic artwork or with the logo of a major sponsor for an extra level of appreciation. Tablets can be used in conjunction with or in place of large presentation screens. Now, with St. Albans Digital Printing Inc. , the choice is yours. If you would like to learn more about this elegant event technology. Our Graphic designers & other staffs will work with ...