Best Photo Restoration Services in New York

St. Albans Digital Printing Photo Restorations are the perfect way to save your damaged and fading photos. We have restored hundreds and hundreds of photographs, and we can repair almost any kind of damage. We can accept them by mail or another carrier if you cannot bring them in yourself.

How the process work out?
  1. We take your precious memories of photos and slides and scan and convert them to digital files on CD.
  2. This will preserve them for years to come as a digital file. In fact we increase their pixel rate so that it enhances the photos & slides to better then new many times.
  3. Our collection service processing allows you to print your Photos & Slides to a larger size then the original file. Making the small pictures suitable for framing as prints.​
  4. ​Our Photo slide service includes color correction and repair of tears etc. through the use of computer software. We are experts in Photo repair.
  5. We use programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Light-room 4, and extremely fast computers to allow the best re-creation and correction of your precious memories.

Some of the services we offer:
  • Background Removal
  • Lighting/Color Corrections
  • Wrinkle and Blemish Removal
  • Teeth Whitening
  • Resize/Crop Image

Our experts will professionally restore or edit the photo of your loved one for their funeral program design. We also provide with other types of printing like banner printingbrochure printingflyers printingwedding invitation printingraffle book printingticket printingjournals printingobituary printinglogo designingnotepads printingposters printing, etc.

Please feel free to Contact Us @ 718-528-5100 or visit our website, if you have any questions.


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